Yoga Energy Summit

The Yoga Energy Summit was born out of my desire to connect with my friends and to explore ways in which we can support each other and encourage each other to grow.  The summit was also a way to celebrate my 10 years of bringing yoga and wellness programs to the Chicagoland area.

On Sunday, October 23, 2011 a group of women gathered on our back porch and shared what was important to each of them. Here is a thumbnail sketch of that conversation.

We recognize that the bulk of our human experience does not encourage living with awareness and compassion, however it does exist and it is possible to live more compassionately.

We realize that yoga and other activities (walking the labyrinth, yoga nidra, meditation) have the potential to be centering. Helping us to be in touch with our Source. From this centered place we can set our intention to move out into the world with our true nature, which is love, joy, compassion, peace, and gratitude.  As we are aware of and look for opportunities to share our true nature we see and experience them more.  As we focus on love, joy, compassion, peace and gratitude and move into the world in this way the energy of our true nature increases. We gain a sense that we can create a world that works for everyone. Peace happens person-by-person, moment-by-moment; each loving act increases the sense that living with compassion is possible.

We talked about The Charter for Compassion

( Compassion isn’t a one-way street. It is about giving and receiving as equals. We don’t consider ourselves better than others, we act compassionately and give from a place that fills us up rather than depletes us. When we act with compassion or experience compassion we sense a feeling of coming home.

Will you commit to living more compassionately and support others to do so as well?  Please join us for Yoga Nidra on Sat. Dec. 3 at Yoga Energy after the 9am yoga class. We will conclude with sharing how over the weeks between now and December 3rd you have lived more compassionately.


Breath, Relax, Let Go!